Morning Habits for a Healthier Brain

There are so many life stressors that impact clarity of thought, focus, memory, alertness, and overall function of our brains. Having the right routine in place is essential to optimize your brain health and thrive in life. Here are the top five habits you should integrate into your daily routine for better brain health.

Early Sunlight Exposure 

Getting outside to view the morning rays for 5-10 minutes, obviously not directly, has several benefits. One is that it sets circadian rhythms making it easier to get to sleep at night. It also increases cortisol levels early in the day which increases alertness and wakefulness. Additionally, it also impacts dopamine levels which are beneficial for increased motivation to be more productive.

15 Minutes of Movement

 Movement is beneficial throughout the day, but ideally it is best to do it early in the day. Early movement increases core body temperature which increases alertness throughout the day. Physical activity also increases nervous system resilience, which improves your ability to buffer stress. Additionally, movement promotes the release of endorphins (boosts mood) and serotonin (feel-good neurotransmitters).


Conscious awareness of breath and breath practice have a profound ability to shift your nervous systems from fight or flight stress response (sympathetic nervous system) to rest, digest, restore response (parasympathetic nervous system). This tool is beneficial to do throughout the day and is great to buffer stress. There are many breath practices, but a great place to start is inhaling for a count of 4 seconds and exhaling for a count or 8 seconds then repeating.

Writing Three Statements of Gratitude in the Morning

Your brain is set up to see more negatives in yourself, the world, and situations. It is wired this way as a protective mechanism from primitive times. However, this does not serve us as well in today’s world. Taking moments to shift your focus to what you are grateful for promotes new pathways in the brain and allows you to see more positives. Once you set this intention, you will more readily see more things you are grateful for. It’s like buying a new car and seeing them all over after you do. You instruct your brain in how to filter the world.

Early Cold Exposure

Cold exposure through immersion in cold water or a cold shower decreases surface temperature of the body and subsequently increases core body temperature, which increases alertness. Additionally cold exposure causes the release of epinephrine and dopamine which are responsible for wakefulness and enhanced mood. It's important, however, if you have a medical condition to consult with your physician beginning this.

Whenever you are starting a new habit or changing habits, it is important to start small. You should actually start so small and simple that it would be hard to say no to doing it. This may be starting with just one minute of movement, doing that consistently, then building from there. Combining habits is also beneficial for keeping habits. For example performing breathwork while engaging in cold exposure will decrease the overall time it takes you and make it more likely to stay consistent.

Additionally, focusing on consistency rather than perfection will give you some grace if you miss a day. Remember, habit implementation should be a marathon, not a sprint so keep yourself at a pace you can sustain.


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